
Data Science

Looking at Recovery from my Lisfranc Foot Fracture using Data Viz and Moving Averages

In this project, I looked at step counts after I broke my foot, and visual how moving averages can help me understand when I walked again as much as my pre-injury time.

  • Categories: Moving Average, Time series, Data Visualization
  • Tools : Python (pandas, seaborn, datetime)
  • GitHub Rep
  • Research Projects

    As a research scientist, my projects focused on inferential statistics, using Bayesian methods and linear mixed models. I have also worked on generating de novo genome data, assembling whole genomes and performing differential gene expression analyses. Here are some examples of the research projects:

    When did scale insects originate?

  • Method: Bayesian inference
  • Tools : MrBayes, R (ape, geiger, phylotools)
  • GitHub Rep
  • Does genetic variation explains how female and male flies respond to food?

  • Method: Linear Mixed Model
  • Tools : Data Exploration Analysis with Python (pandas, seaborn, scipy, numpy, matplotlib), statistics with R (eg., lmer, nlme, ggplot2, tidyr, dplyr)
  • GitHub Rep
  • Genome assembly of an insect carrying an extra chromosome

  • Method: De novo genome assembly, transcriptomics
  • Tools : R (eg., edgeR, dplyr, tidyverse)
  • GitHub Rep
  • Selected scientific publications

    Find below a list of publications involving data analysis or computational biology.

    For the full list of my scientific publications including experimental and descriptive biology, please check my Google Scholar Profile